What Does An Educational Audiologist Do?
An audiologist specializes in diagnosing and treating hearing and balance disorders. An educational audiologist works to support students with hearing issues, ensuring they have access to the tools and accommodations needed for effective learning. Educational audiologists typically work in schools. The Role of an Educational Audiologist in Schools Educational audiologists play a critical role in…
How Noise Affects Your Mood and Memory

Exposure to noise doesn’t just affect your hearing; it can also impact your mood and stress levels. Where peaceful coastal living contrasts with the sounds of bustling streets and the occasional tourist crowd, understanding how noise affects your health can help you protect it in the future. The Link Between Noise and Mood Even mild…
Understanding the Connection Between Stress, Anxiety and Hearing
We often think of hearing loss as a physical condition that only affects the ways our ears process sound, but it can also affect our mental health. Let’s take a look at how hearing loss can fuel anxiety and stress and what you can do to minimize stress in your life. How Hearing Loss Fuels…
Hearing Loss and Valentine’s Day: How To Plan a Communication-Friendly Night
Valentine’s Day offers the perfect excuse to go out for a romantic dinner, run to Jennie’s Flowers for a new bouquet and buy a towering mountain of chocolate. Unfortunately, if you or your partner has hearing loss, you may worry about how communication difficulty will affect the otherwise romantic evening you’ve planned. Let’s take a…
Earwax Blockages and Muffled Hearing: What To Know About Safe Treatment
An earwax blockage is one of many reasons you could have muffled hearing, and luckily, it’s also one of the easiest to fix. How Do Earwax Blockages Muffle My Hearing? When you place your fingers or earplugs in your ears, you create a barrier that blocks sound waves, resulting in a muffled effect. Earwax blockages…
New Year, New Hearing Healthcare Resolutions
The new year is the perfect time to focus on self-improvement, and your hearing health deserves a spot on that list. Caring for your ears is an often overlooked aspect of overall well-being, but it’s never too late to start. Let’s take a look at some excellent resolutions to keep your ears in shape throughout…
Enjoying Holiday Parties With Hearing Loss: Tips for Staying Connected and Protecting Your Ears
Approximately 15% of U.S. adults have hearing loss. If you’re among those with hearing loss, you know that holiday parties, with their music and overlapping conversations, can pose unique challenges. Let’s explore some tips to make holiday gatherings more enjoyable and ways to protect your hearing in the long run. Communication Strategies for Noisy Environments…
Lost Your Hearing Aids? Take These Five Steps
Everyone loses things sometimes. Whether you left your phone at work, your wallet at Café Hey or your keys in the refrigerator, you know that instant, sinking feeling in your stomach when you realize one of your items is missing. For those who rely on hearing aids, the fear of losing these essential and valuable…
Four Areas Hearing Aids Can Improve Your Thanksgiving Experience
Thanksgiving is a holiday rooted in communication. Whether it’s heartfelt catchups around the table, playful banter with kids or a movie marathon after dessert, much of the day revolves around listening and engaging. When you have hearing loss, these moments can present unique challenges: While these complications may make it seem like Thanksgiving will be…
How Will Hearing Aids Affect My Life?
If you’re one of the 15% of U.S. adults navigating life with hearing loss, you might have questions about how hearing aids will impact your day-to-day experiences. Maybe you’re concerned about how they’ll feel, how much they’ll help or if they’ll make a difference in situations that matter to you. The good news is that…