How Can Protecting Your Hearing Help Tinnitus?
Tinnitus is a symptom of a condition in which a person hears a noise like ringing in their ears. It can also manifest as a buzzing, roaring, clicking, hissing or humming noise that is present in one or both ears for any length of time or severity. This is a common occurrence that about 20% of…
Best Hearing Aids For Seniors
While it is true that hearing loss becomes more prominent of a possibility as a person ages, it may surprise you to know that 65% of people who have some form of hearing loss are younger than 65 years old. The American Academy of Audiology states that hearing loss constitutes such a large percent of…
What Happens During An Audiologist Appointment?
If you’ve never been to an audiologist before, it is understandable and completely normal that you might be feeling a little apprehensive at first. To calm any nerves, it’s always a great idea to find out a bit more to know what you can expect during your appointment. First thing’s first, a trip to the…
Hearing Test: Purpose, Procedure And Results
Every now and then, you may find that your doctor asks you to go for a hearing test. Although it may seem daunting, a hearing test doesn’t necessarily mean that there is something wrong. It’s simply a way for audiologists to make sure that your ears are working well. In most cases, these appointments will come with…
How Will Wearing Hearing Aids Change Your Life?
Living with hearing loss can have a direct effect on your quality of life, including the activities you do on a day-to-day basis. The longer you have hearing loss, the worse your quality of life can get, so lots of people choose to use hearing aids to help improve their hearing. If you’re unsure…
What Are The Pros And Cons Of Cochlear Implants
Cochlear implants are electronic hearing devices help to restore some levels of hearing to those who are deaf. As is the case with any medical procedure, there are pros and cons to using them. Read on to learn more. What Is A Cochlear Implant? A cochlear implant is a small electronic device that can help…
What Are Hearing Aid Accessories?
As hearing aids have been designed to work daily, they will sometimes need a bit of upkeep so that they are kept in working order. Therefore, it may be a necessity to buy several hearing aid accessories that can help to enhance your device’s effectiveness. We are going to look at the different hearing aid accessories that…
How To Know If You’re Hard Of Hearing Or Going Deaf?
Aging is a natural process. As people get older, their bodies start to change. An example of something that can change as a person gets older is their hearing. Many older people experience hearing loss and younger people can also experience it. If you think that you may have hearing loss, there is no need…
What Is The Best Hearing Aid For First-Time Wearers?
If you have been diagnosed with hearing loss, then your audiologist might have recommended that you try looking into hearing aids. These great little pieces of tech give you the ability to hear more, by getting rid of background noise, lowering frequency and doing other things that help improve the way you hear. As a…
Can Hearing Loss Be Restored?
Hearing loss has a big impact on the quality of a person’s life. It makes simple tasks like watching TV or socializing with friends incredibly difficult. Society often downplays the seriousness of hearing loss, but people that live with it every day know that it can make life very difficult. That’s why they will often…